by Murray Wills | Nov 11, 2009 | ceo, cio, governance, government, IT Alignment, IT Governance, IT Strategy
Well, it doesn’t look like it!! If the following article is correct, then it looks like some really old school thinking has crept into one of our newest and most strategic organisations.
by Murray Wills | Nov 7, 2009 | ceo, cio, governance, government, IT Governance, IT Strategy, Popular
The following article indicates just how out of touch some boards and CEOs are. It would be very interesting...
by Murray Wills | May 7, 2009 | Blog, governance, government, IT Alignment, IT Governance, IT Strategy, Notes, Popular
With IT playing an increasing role in the success of an organisation has the time come to review your board of directors to see who has IT governance expertise? This is particularly important in times of recession, as companies and government agencies will start to...