maxsys_murray0003_borderThe following article indicates just how out of touch some boards and CEOs are.

It would be very interesting in those companies where CIOs are no longer reporting to the CEO if IDC were to research the IT competency of the CEO and Board. I would also be asking them what they consider to be the role of the CIO. I suspect that these organisations are “organisations of the past” rather than “organisations of the future”!

Of course one possibility is that the incumbent CIO was not acting as a “Chief Information Officer”, possessing a senior information technology and management background and experience (including strategic planning and risk management in an IT context), business background and experience, but as an IT Operations Manager. If this is the case then an additional role of CIO reporting to the CEO should be put in place.

The trend of CIOs not reporting to the CEO flies in the face of a strategic, IT enabled and future focused organisation, be it a company or government agency, and I would welcome the opportunity to discuss the reasons why with any CEO, CIO, or board.