by Murray Wills | Aug 1, 2013 | education, governance, government, Uncategorized
We are please to be involved in helping facilitate the COMU Crown Directors Master Class on Governing ICT Systems – Investment, Security, Privacy & Risk. If you are a Crown Director and you would like further information on this programme or course, follow...
by Murray Wills | Feb 11, 2010 | ceo, cio, education, IT Alignment, IT Governance, IT Strategy, Uncategorized
Here is a very interesting story I have just come across from CIO Magazine’s Ross Storey, MIS Asia, entitled “Historic IT recruitment reversal” to the story and recruitment and...
by Murray Wills | Apr 6, 2009 | education, IT Strategy, Uncategorized
Despite the recession, there is plenty of evidence world wide that IT skills are still in short supply. In these recessionary times, some shortsighted organisations are letting extremely skilled and hard to replace IT staff go without I suspect an assessment of...
by Murray Wills | Jan 13, 2009 | Popular, Uncategorized
Came across this in my web travels today. It is actually quite good. Who said computing can’t be a happening thing! Murray